Top tips for losing weight

Top tips for losing weight

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070

Looking to lose some pounds? Not sure where to start? It can be difficult to decide where to start when you want to lose weight. It may be tempting to turn to quick-fix solutions, however, they are not sustainable and small lifestyle changes play a much bigger role in the long-term.

Don’t skip breakfast

As the most important meal of the day, breakfast is not only paramount to preparing your body for its daily cycle of hormones, it will also stop you from reaching for that digestive with your cup of coffee.

Routine. Routine. Routine

Small but more regular mealtimes and maintaining a good routine will help prevent snacking but also boost your metabolism, helping you burn through calories at a faster rate.

Get moving

Choosing a form of exercise that you find fun or enjoyable is key to long-term weight management. Try something new or rekindle a love by finding the time for that sport you had to stop when you had children. Not only will you notice a plethora of health benefits (lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes for instance) but you will also increase your daily calorie allowance.

Portion Control

Read our blog on how to retrain your brain and adjust your portion control.

Don’t over restrict yourself

The key to long-term weight loss is a balanced diet, which does mean not saying no to certain foods. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so allow yourself a treat in moderation. Remember you are changing your lifestyle, not just dieting 

Fakeaway not takeaway

There are plenty of healthy alternatives to ordering in on a Friday night, just check out BBC Good Food for some ideas. If it is the ease of ordering in after a long week at work why not cook them on the weekend and freeze them until Friday night. Simply just reheat it when you want it. 

Lower your alcohol intake

Being aware of the number of calories in alcoholic drinks will stop all your hard work during the day being drunk away. For an idea, why not check out NHS Live Well or our blog.

Stay hydrated

Water is fantastic, not only does it flush out toxins, increase your brain power and help with daily function but it also reduces feelings of hunger.


If you are looking for a quick-fix weight loss for an event or holiday, there are weight loss aids such as shakes, tablets and supplements. However, losing weight quickly has been shown to not be the best way to lose weight as these lifestyle changes cannot be maintained and result in weight gain when you stop.