National Sickie Day

National Sickie Day

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070

According to statistics, February 1stis the most common day for people to call in sick, and as such has been coined National Sickie Day in the UK. Whilst suffering from a cold or flu tends to be the most common excuse given to take the day off, some employees have received some slightly more unusual reasons, here are a few of our favourite.

  • My mum was hoovering the stairs and I couldn’t get past.
  • I’ve managed to secure a parking space outside my house and I can’t risk losing it.
  • I can’t come in today because my flatmates took my door handle off and I can’t get out.
  • I’m stuck in the bathroom. (These pesky doors!)
  • My hamster’s poorly.