Mens Health Week | 20 to 35 years

Mens Health Week 2021 | Men up to 35 years

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070


Pack in the plants

Antioxidants, fibre and minerals, fruit and veg are bursting with them. Although in recent years protein, carbohydrates and fats have dominated nutrition, it is really important to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you have in your diet.

Reduce salt intake

Men are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure than women, so reducing the salt intake in your diet, avoiding processed foods and using lemon juice and herbs to season meals will all have a positive impact on reducing the number on the blood pressure monitor.

Don’t make every lunch a business lunch

Metabolic rate reduces with age, as does the body’s forgiveness of those restaurant portion sizes. By choosing lower glycaemic index foods for lunch, such as avoiding bread, pasta or rice, will support healthy weight management.

Limit alcohol

If you are routinely drinking more than the NHS recommended 14 units per week, then reducing alcohol may be a good idea. Try spreading your consumption over 3 or more days but remember you should also have several drink-free days a week too.


Get moving

Exercising regularly will not just leave you feeling better, it will improve productivity, sleep, energy levels and creativity. Fitting exercise into your weekly schedule can seriously improve the work you get done.

Stress less

Easier said than done, however, relaxation and self-care are important to staying healthy. Try meditation, yoga or belly-breathing to promote calm, or if that doesn’t work for you, speak to your GP, a friend or counsellor.

Balance your lifestyle

The fine line between work and home life can sometimes blur. Striking a firm balance between the two can be important to promoting happiness. Establishing realistic boundaries and fair limits on what you are prepared to do at work and home can be crucial in ensuring mental wellbeing. Remember, don’t bring work home with you.

Get more sleep

Sleep is key for mood, energy and productivity. Aim to achieve 7-9 hours of quality rest each night, by cutting out caffeine after midday, removing technology 90 minutes before bed and exercising earlier in the evening.

Fuel your body

Coffee is not the fuel your body needs, proper nutrition is. Try increasing your dietary intake of key nutrients such as magnesium (whole grains, dark leafy veg, nuts and seeds) and B vitamins (dairy and fish). Possibly even consider a daily multivitamin if you do not believe your diet is providing enough vitamins and minerals.

Reduce screen time

Unfortuantely, most working environments have implanted screen time that is unavoidable, however, evidence shows that 50% of screen users wlll experience digital eye strain. Try using the 20-20-20 rule when working with technology. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.