Long COVID | Seeking Help and Support

Long COVID | Seeking Help and Support

For urgent medical help – use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you’re unable to get help online.

For life-threatening emergencies – call 999 for an ambulance.

If you are concerned about a symptom or sign you are continuing to show over 4 weeks after your initial diagnosis with COVID, contact your GP and ask about long COVID – you should then be offered an initial consultation allowing you to discuss your concerns and allow the GP to carry out any further assessments or care they determine that you need or signpost you for further support.

As part of the assessment, your GP may:

  • Ask about the symptoms, signs and severity of your initial COVID infection.
  • Ask about on-going symptoms including when they started and whether they have changed.
  • Ask about your past medical history including health conditions and medication you are currently taking or have taken previously.
  • Ask about your day-to-day activities and how you manage with work, education, getting about, general wellbeing or looking after yourself.
  • Ask about changes in memory, behaviour, emotions and mood.
  • Perform tests such as taking blood, measuring blood pressure, heart rate or oxygen levels.

In December 2020, NHS England has launched specific Post COVID clinics, which bring together a wide range of healthcare professionals to offer both physical, psychological and rehabilitations needs assessments.

Referrals to the specialist clinics are based on ongoing symptoms and impact on their individual life, rather than the severity of the initial illness or a positive test result.