I Forgot to Take my Methotrexate | Browns Pharmacy Guide

I Forgot to Take my Methotrexate | Browns Pharmacy Guide 

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070

Medicine can be very specific and therefore it is critical that any information taken from a generalised blog should be combined with specific drug information that you can attain from the Patient Information Leaflet or a healthcare professional.

For all of these specific blogs, the general advice still applies from our earlier blog about how to find the information for the medication you are taking which can be found here.

Methotrexate is designed to be taken once-weekly on the same day each week. The NHS National Patient Safety Agency PIL for methotrexate treatment provides guidance on what to do if you have forgotten to take your tablets.

If a dose is missed, advice is dependent upon when it has been remembered:

  • If it within 2 days

Take the forgotten dose as soon as possible and then take the next dose at the correct time as normal. If you usually take your methotrexate on a Monday, then you can take it on a Tuesday or Wednesday, then take your next dose on the following Monday as usual.

  • If it is after 3 days or more

Contact your healthcare professional such as your doctor or specialist nurse/clinic for advice.  

  • NEVER double up your dose of methotrexate to make up for a missed dose as this increases your chances of experiencing side effects.

All information is correct at the time of writing.