How to Correctly Use a Nasal Spray | Browns Pharmacy Guide

How to Correctly Use a Nasal Spray | Browns Pharmacy Guide

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070

Nasal sprays can come as one of two types: pressurised or pump bottles. The method you use to get the full benefit from the spray depends upon the type you are using.

Pressurised Canisters

  1. Clear you nose of any mucus prior to using the spray, by gently blowing your nose into a tissue
  2. Check that the canister is sat firmly in the holder and is not too loose.
  3. Shake the canister several times to ensure each dose is even.
  4. Breathe out slowly while ensuring your head is kept upright
  5. Insert the tip of the spray canister into your nose and aim towards the back of your head.
  6. Close the other nostril not receiving the dose over using a finger.
  7. Start to breathe slowly through your nose and as you do so press the canister down. If you need to use more than one dose per nostril then simply repeat the process from step 4 again.
  8. Try to avoid sneezing or blowing your nose just after using the spray.

Pump Bottle

  1. Clear you nose of any mucus prior to using the spray, by gently blowing your nose into a tissue
  2. Shake the bottle and remove the cap from the top.
  3. Before you use the spray you may need to ‘prime’ the dose by pressing it a few times until a fine mist comes out.
  4. Tilt your head slightly forward and breathe out slowly.
  5. The easiest way to hold the pump is with your thumb at the bottom and your index and middle fingers on the top.
  6. Insert the tip of the pump into your nose and aim towards the back of your head with the tip.
  7. Close the other nostril not receiving the dose over using a finger
  8. Start to breathe slowly through your nose and as you do so press the canister down. If you need to use more than one dose per nostril then simply repeat the process from step 4 again.
  9. Try to avoid sneezing or blowing your nose just after using the spray.

All information is correct at the time of writing.