COVID Recovery | Coming Home

COVID Recovery | Coming Home

This article has been written and medically approved by Pharmacist Conor McSorley GPhC Reg No. 2223070

When you are ready to be discharged from hospital, the team caring for you will provide a discharge plan, identifying any medication, assistance or equipment you may require to help you manage when you return home.

When leaving hospital you may be given exercises and advice to help you continue your recovery at home. This may involve being given some equipment to help with breathing, moving around or completing day to day tasks. Ensure you have a complete understanding of any advice you have been given and how to use any equipment including knowing who to contact if you are having any difficulties.

Can I get straight back to normal activities and work?

Although you may no longer be experiencing symptoms of the viral infection, some post-viral symptoms may still be present. Fatigue, breathlessness or changes in mood and thinking can all impact your daily life. These symptoms can make normal activities feel difficult and tiring therefore make sure you are patient with yourself, taking things slowly and gradually building up your daily and weekly routine.